About YCR

Dave Stejna, Rob Courtemanche and Vince Powell


There comes a time in every man's life when he has to say, "Shiver me timbers! I'm gonna throw caution to the wind, put on a sailor hat, and play acoustic covers to adoring fans in a beautiful seaside town!" Born as a side project from the rock band NEVER IN VEGAS, crossing the Northeast every weekend from Rhode Island to Maine & Boston to New York. When NIV is not on the road, YCR like to perform as this critically acclaimed acoustic Trio, primarily in their home away from home by the sea: Newport, Rhode Island.

Dave Stejna (Guitar, Vocals) grew up running around abandoned airport hangars in Western Massachusetts. He spent his college years studying at Berklee College of Music in Boston (for 1 semester) and immediately hit the music scene performing on guitar almost constantly. In his spare time he gives TED talks on guitar processing and cryptocurrency. Yadda Yadda Yadda, he's in Yacht Club Rejects now.

Rob Courtemanche (Lead Vocals, Guitar) grew up holding down the low end for many a Rhode Island band playing bass. He’s also a legit graphic artist (hence our cool YCR Logo). In his spare time he likes to write sad songs and wear cardigans. Yadda Yadda Yadda, he's in Yacht Club Rejects now.

Vince Powell (Drums, Vocals) grew up skulking around Philly eating cheesesteaks and causing a ruckus. A lifelong musician, he’s played in a multitude of bands up and down the east coast. He’s the drummer in Never in Vegas. In his spare time he likes to collect radioactive pottery. Yadda Yadda Yadda, he's in Yacht Club Rejects now.